Dear Parents

It’s been such a long time since we were able to operate and we are really excited & eagerly looking forward to welcoming your children back to the PSA at Bayan.
In addition to the physical and technical skills that your child will develop, the important social skills of teamwork, communication, decision making, cooperation & support etc are all things that will have been missed during the ‘lock-down’ and cannot be achieved in isolation – So let’s make up for lost time!

We have combined Course 1 & 2 to maximize the time available up to the Winter break so come along and register your children for theses ten weeks of fun filled action in a safe, controlled environment starting on 9th October.

•All our coaches from last season will be returning along with some new coaches that will be joining us from Celtic.
•All fees paid in advance last season will be credited in full – our pricing structure remains unchanged
•Please ensure you and your children follow all health and safety protocols in place at Bayan
•Last seasons Celtic strip may continue to used or new ones may be purchased upon Registration
•Registration is open daily 5-8pm commencing Saturday 26th September


There is a revised schedule for this first course as follows:

Fri 5-6.30pm U-8/9/10/11C. Of Ex.
Sat 9-10.30am Coaching Course
Sat 5-6.30pm Coaching Course
Sat 6.30-8pm U-12/13/15/17C. Of Ex.
Mon 4-5pm Franco Program
Mon 5-6.30pm U-8/9/10/11C. Of Ex.
Mon 6.30-8pm U-12/13/15/17C. Of Ex.
Tue 5-6.30pm Coaching Course
Wed 4-5pm Franco Program
Wed 5-6.30pm U-8/9/10/11C. Of Ex.
Wed 6.30-8pm U-12/13/15/17C. Of Ex.
Thur 5-6.30pm Coaching Course

•Please follow all health & safety measures
•Face masks to be worn at ALL times except on the football field
•Hand sanitizer to be used on entry and exit
•Social distancing of 2m per person to be maintained everywhere outside of the football pitch – only one family group of spectators per bench.
•No handshakes or embracing – Players will be encouraged to use fist or elbow bumps as a form of greeting
•The cafeteria and water fountains will not be in use – please provide own drinks.
•Players may continue to use last seasons Celtic playing strips. New strips are available from the registration office.

The football field will be open for use during registration periods and footballs available for any players wishing to practice 👍🏻
We will continue to keep everyone informed through our Whats App groups – please spread the word – and hope to see you all soon!

We can’t wait to welcome everyone back to PSA Celtic and are super excited for the new season to finally begin!

PSA Celtic Management